Monday, October 16, 2006

End of the World and Back

Hola Chicas! Que tal?
SO it has been quite an exciting two weeks and I know you all are DYING to know what crazy fun and messed up stories I have.
I should probably start with my hand. Now, mi madre es un poco correcto. There was alch, but thats probably cause it was in the bathroom of a BAR. So a boy in my group kept opening the door on this girl in my group. So I did not know that and the door was a little bit open so I thought it was free. No es verdad. The next thing I Knew she slammed the door, my pointer and middle finger were in the door and she was turning the handle on them. Needless to say I said a few curse words here and there and wished death upon her. My best friend Jen even told her to seriously stop touching me for her "own safety." I think that was the best choice. So I went home drunk with pain and crying hysterically. We stopped at my friend's Kate's house to get a needle to see if Jen could pierce a hole in my nail (yeah I know, GREAT IDEA right!?) we didn't end up doing that. Instead Kate and Jen came to my house, I decided I wanted to pee on the side of the road before we went inside, then I got a bowl and ate some Special K with a Spoon the size of my head (no joke) and called Carmen, my host mom. Well, actualy Jen talked to Carmen.
THen Carmen rushed home to see me drunk, with my hand in the air to stop the pounding pain, eating a bowl of cereal with a spoon meant for mixing soup, and speaking ridiculous amounts of spanglish and laughing hysterically because it hurt so bad.
What a great scene to come home to!
Then the next day we went to three hospitals that were either closed or would not take me. SWEET. so I went to Jen's house cause there is a hospital there and got an awesome doc who smoked and played solitare. COOL.
Then they put a HUGE and totally UNNECESSARY SPLINT on my hand and in spanish I kept telling them I could not dance with this thing on my hand and Jen and I laughed hysterically because at this point that was really all there was left to do.
So I had that on for about 5 days and then went to Lagos, Portugal which was AMAZING!
There is a program in Sevilla called "Discover Sevilla" and they do trips to all sorts of places and it was pretty cool. We went to the bars, danced the night away, spend the day on the beach, and got to watch the sunset from the end of the world.
It was the most beautiful and sadly romantic thing in the world. I got some great pictures and it was a place that is about 30 mins. south of Lagos, which was once considered the end of the world (for you history buffs)! I thought that was pretty awesome!
But I will attempt to figure out how to put up a picture or a link to my pictures because they are pretty amazing!
Otherwise life is pretty much the same. My espanol is better, I still go through culture shock about every 2 mins, like when my roomate was going to kill me this weekend because all I wanted was a CVS (which is like a walgreens for you non east coasters). It is the greatest place in the world and I don't know why the world invests in McD's because CVS is WAY more AWESOME.
Anways, more updates to come later this week! I have alot of tests and homework....BOO.
adios chiocs!


Blogger a.maria said...

LOVE IT!!!! sounds like an awesome couple of weeks, splint or not.. i think you made the best of a messy situation.



i wish!

4:31 AM  
Blogger jeanne said...

end of the world! I wish!

4:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

checking in. we missed you at Derek and Kellie's wedding! But, Spain was worth missing it.

there is something very familiar about this story. i wish it was the awesome sunset, but i think it has something to do with smashed up fingers......

5:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:59 PM  

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