Thursday, September 04, 2008

Running from the FBI in our Benz

So it was a long sleepless night before we arrived in Sevilla...we girls decided, who needs sleep, lets stay up all night until our 5am bus to Frankfurt Hahn (the OTHER cheap airport)to catch our RyanAir Flight at 9.

We got on the BOOKED flight, made it to Sevilla and got to our rental car place. I was SO excited to be back in my Sevilla! We ended up getting a slightly bigger car, which ended up being a Mercadesss!! So that was awesome, but fuel was 78€. Ouch.

We got on the road and I did a small tour of Sevilla, showing the girls where I lived, the universidad, the clubs, the SUPERSOL (best grocery in town!) and a few other places like Corte Ingles (Macys of Spain)

We then got on the road and made our way to Lagos, deciding on the drive to go to Lisbon first and then spend two glorious days in Lagos.

It took us about 5 hours and we did not have a hostel booked, figuring we planned every second of this trip, lets live a little. We learned that living a little=having no place to stay at 1am.

We had google map directions to Lisbon, but not to the hostel. We went up one way streets, got stuck in random areas, peed behind bushes at a historical landmark, and almost killed one another. Finally after I got out of the car, looked at a Bus Map and randomly came upon the street where I had picked a hostel from America! So excited!!!

Now we had to get there...after about an hour or so we made it through the windy streets and may I say I was quite impressed with my map reading skills...I cannot even believe we got there!

Once we did and we parked and went hostel OR hotel was available. We ended up looking desperate enough to a woman at a hotel who called a friend and found us a room. They only had two single beds..but heck we would take anything! We got into our hotel...pushed the beds together and fell fast asleep.

The next morning we got up, put our stuff in the car, and went happy to the center of the city to start our Hop On-Hop Off Tour..little did we know our nice parking space was parked in a Portuguese FBI parking space.

We saw some amazing things, like the Castle of Libson, and many other historical things I now cannot remember the name of because we came back to our car to find it GONE.


Well we went into the office, talked to a jerk off who basically told us we parked in a FBI spot and ´it is problem` well please then tell us how to fix it.

Impossible to work with this man. We essentially had to get on the metro and show a taxi driver a piece of paper that said `Policia municipal`

The NICEST old man taxi driver took us to a police station with some delicious portuguese men were nice enough to help and spoke English.

The yummie officer, who if asked to marry, I would probably do, found our car and called a cab for us...but our problems were only half over.

We realized that it was going to cost 120€ to get the car back and once we did it was probably 11pm and we had no place to stay and nothing was open.

Oh god.

After about another hour of driving, yelling, and being overly exhausted and hungry with no place to eat, we parked and starting walking the streets of Lisbon to find a stupid internet cafe that our Europe book told us about (ps. these books STINK. you need every country, not one book of Europe).

We FINALLY found the dang place and started looking for hostels...oh wait...every single awesome hostel in Lagos was BOOKED. holy crap. could this day get any worse!!?

We decided to book a hostel in Lisbon, get google directions there, and book another random budget hotel in Lagos.

We found a parking space that HAD a sign, unlike the policia parking space, and made sure to be up at 7am to hit the road.

We got up and got going, our car was still there in the morning, and off to Lagos we went, and guess what? We MADE IT.

We are safe and sound in Lagos,with a bit less money, but there is sun, beaches, and a Bom Dia Sangria and Grotto tour awaiting our arrival tomorrow.

More to come in Sevilla and Croatia!


Blogger jeanne said...

whoa, that's a lot of adventure! I'm glad you got to sightsee a bit somewhere in there. although a hot portuguese policeman sounds like way good sightseeing to me!
"peed behind bushes at a historical landmark" ... and again, I taught you well!

Nice work rolling with the punches ladies! Keep it up, you're making my day here in the boring ol' u.s.!

9:18 PM  
Blogger jeanne said...

since when do they have the FBI in Portugal??! :)

12:00 PM  
Blogger MapeandSmape said...

you girls are so crazy! miss you all so much! I need more updates to distract me!!!!

4:31 AM  
Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

Holy crap - you ladies know how to live large! I still have days of this vacation to catch up on and I'm exhausted already!

6:35 PM  

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